Interviews / Conference speaker
Conference speaking
5th International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Σεπ. 12-14, 2016 Βερολίνο, Γερμανία
Ομιλία με θέμα: Female genital and vaginal rejuvenation by infusion of adipose mesenchymal stem cells
Stem Cells. Truths and Myths
22 Δεκ. 2017 Βουλευτικὀ, Ναύπλιο
Ομιλία με θέμα: Γυναικεία γεννητικά όργανα και κολπική αναζωογόνηση με έγχυση μεσεγχυματικών βλαστικών κυττάρων
Health and Sport with Vicky Spirou
Dr. Efi Roboti gives an in-depth radio interview about exercising during pregnancy.
Women and Exercise
Exercise is ultimately the best “medicine” for everyone and it’s never too late to make include it in your everyday life! Dr. Efi Roboti spoke to Vicky Spirou about women about the importance of exercising, Emphasis was placed on women over 40 and the hormonal changes in their body.